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Multi-style yoga classes in the West Midlands

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Class schedule

A regular class is offered in Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Power Yoga, and Yoga for the Over 60s. More detailed information about these classes can be found on the "About classes" page. See below for time, date and location:



Private classes, community groups or workshops available on request.


Clent Parish Hall, 40 Church Avenue, Clent, DY9 9QT:

Vinyasa Flow  -  7.30pm - 8.30pm 



7.00am- 10.00am - Private classes

After 10.00am - private classes and community groups or workshops available on request


AM - Private classes and community groups or workshops available on request


PM - School and teen classes


AM - Private classes available on request 

PM - Private classes and community groups or workshops available on request

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About Chet

“Yoga and meditation makes me feel strong and in tune with my spirit. For thousands of years mankind has praised and celebrated our spirit. But modern society seems to have cut our spirit connection and the material realm has taken over.

“Yoga is a very practical and effective way to rediscover and understand ourselves, and strengthen our bodies. I want to share this with my students. It’s important to have a place where we actually have the time to learn about ourselves, have a good stretch and everyone leaves the mat ready to tackle anything with a clear, calm mind!”

Chet is a dedicated hatha, and vinyassa flow yoga teacher. She did her teacher training in Goa, India, with Mohinder Prassad of Mahi Power Yoga. She has a worldwide-accredited yoga teacher training qualification and is a member of the Yoga Alliance (the largest international community of yoga teachers, schools and advocates).

Her journey started studying meditation and yoga at the age of 18. As many people know, yoga originated in India. A spiritual experience led her to Osho’s ashram in Pune, India, at the age of 21 where she studied more yoga and dynamic meditation.

She has since spent many years training in Shaolin Tiger Crane Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung with the Nam Yang Pugilistic Association. She has taught both adults and school children, performed in South East Asia and at the Chinese New Celebration in Trafalgar Square, London.

Some of the meditation teachings in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were later used in martial arts. Kung Fu was derived from yoga and Chet was lucky enough to find a genuine, traditional kung fu art. Her amazing teachers, Master Iain Armstrong, and Grand Master Tan Son Tin, took her to British national championship in four years where she won a Gold medal for her kung fu routines.

In recent years, she has concentrated on yoga, studying hatha, vinyasa, yin, kundalini and aerial yoga. She has always been interested in Asian arts and doing things that seem impossible.

As well as this, she has enjoyed a varied career, including a media career for over 15 years in PR, TV, and radio. Chet understands working under pressure both in, and out of, the office, and the importance of having an exercise routine that actually fits around your life and career. Yoga is perfect for this. You don't need a partner and you can train whenever you can. 

Chet’s mission is to help you reach your most supple and healthy as this ultimately leads to happiness. As well as improving fitness, you will learn about the history and philosophy of the ancient art of yoga, and develop practical ways to deal with the stresses of daily life.

Classes are very much focused on your mental, physical and spiritual development by:

  • Building strength within the body;

  • Training the core, muscles and tendons;

  • Detoxifying internal organs;

  • Deepening the breath; and

  • Calming the mind.

Through discussion, classes can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

Although Chet is very serious about getting postures right and achieving correct alignment, her class ethos is not to be too serious so you feel more relaxed, will have fun and make new friends.

Her passion was always, and still is, to teach students to feel and be strong.

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“Yoga with Chet was great. She is a natural born teacher and I loved her yoga training. I am ridiculously un-flexible but she was gentle and pushed me without pushing me out of my comfort zone. It made me want to do as much yoga as I can.”

Matt Dennis, Student

"Chet is a wonderful guide with a kind approach - she is warm and funny. Surrendering to her skills was a treat for body, soul and mind."

Caroline Banks, Yoga Instructor

“Chet makes you feel calm and comfortable throughout the practice. She doesn't just go through the motions at the front of the class, Chet gives each student time and attention to make sure you feel confident and competent in each pose and that you push yourself to develop at your own pace. Great for beginners or perfecting your practice. I'd highly recommend Chet to everyone. ”

Helen McCann, Student

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About classes

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Vinyasa Flow

Flow of Movement

In this class you will transition between postures working with the breath. Creative sequencing incorporates hatha and astanga and is done in such a way that exercises most of the body – internally and externally. Depending on student needs and requests, sometimes classes will focus on particular aspects of training – for example, opening the hips for faster development. You will have a great workout and leave feeling energised and empowered. Your mind will be free and positive. You will float out of the door!

Yoga Class

Hatha Yoga

Controlled Concentration

If you want to learn about postures in depth, this is a great class for you. You will go through postures in great detail. Postures are held longer than in a vinyasa flow class and it is easier for you to explore breath control. A great class for beginners, or those who want to really deepen their practice.

You will also use props (blocks and belts) to build up muscles and stretch your body. The simplest of movements are sometimes the hardest and very effective for building strength fast. These techniques were learned in India and have proved effective for many years. Results come quickly. You will leave the class understanding more about how each posture should be performed and how you can make sure you practice correctly in future.

Yoga Man Namaste

Yin Yoga

Deep relaxing stretches

This is a very slow paced stretching class. It’s great for connective tissue/fascia and muscles so improves flexibility. It also increases circulation in the joints. Postures are held for a long time (2-5 minutes) so it really helps to focus the mind and use the breath effectively. This is a good class for athletes, or people who are stiff and don’t move much. You will leave feeling very chilled out with an enormous sense of peace.

Pilates Stretches

Power Yoga

Build strength fast

Power yoga is a mix of vinyasa flow, astanga and hatha. Some of it fast paced and some of it involves building strength using props (blocks and belts). It’s not good for absolute beginners. It’s great for students who are looking for a hard workout and want to push themselves. You will leave feeling invincible!

Yoga Practice

Yoga for the over 60s

Strength & Healing

This class flows at a very gentle pace and includes gentle stretches. It’s good for people with injuries or people who just want to keep active, stretch and relax. If you need to work from a chair, postures can be adapted for you. You will leave the class with a wonderful sense of well-being and more energised.

Yoga Class for all Ages

One-to-one classes

Tailored for you

If you have limited time and want to learn yoga fast, we can work together to design training programs that are perfect for you and fit round your life. If you have a friend that would like to join, why not make it a two-on-one session. Classes are ultimately therapeutic so we can focus totally on you and your needs at that time, for example, tackling things like stress, improve mindfulness, how to show gratitude, or how improve your positive mindedness. Call to discuss your requirements. You will be amazed at your transformation over just a few classes.

Yoga at Home

Corporate workshops

For improved staff well-being and concentration

These workshops are aimed at encouraging well-being, fitness, team-builing  and a positive mental attitude among staff. They can be tailored to your needs, and can even be tied in to corporate key messages through meditation. Call 07710 537979 to for a no-obligation chat.

Yoga Class

Educational workshops

Fitness for students

It has been proven that yoga improves concentration so what better way to get your students to work hard! These workshops are fun and pitched to specific age ranges. Students will learn about yoga philosophy (Yamas and Niyamas – which are like ethical guidelines) – in a fun way so they will have time to think about how they treat others, and how they can progress successfully in life. They will also do some yoga postures and guided meditation. They will leave the workshop feeling much calmer and happier with knowledge of an ancient art. They should be able to draw on their newly-found meditation skills in life, lessons and exams. Call 07710 537979 to for a no-obligation chat.

Meditation Class

Inspirational Quote

"A feeble body weakens the mind."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Yoga Man
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Frequently asked questions

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How much are classes?

(Please note that class prices may differ depending on venue e.g. MyTime Active gym) 

Drop-in: £11.00   (Concessions available)

5 lessons: £48.00  (Concessions available) - All classes must be taken within two months of week 4's class

10 lessons: £90.00   (Concessions available) - All classes must be taken within two months of week 10's class.

One-to-one: £50.00 - one hour class - (Concessions: £35.00)

Tailor made package: £150 - three and a half hours including a half hour chat through your requirements   (Concessions: £100)

Corporate and educational workshops – please call to discuss a package bespoke to your organisation

Hen-do packages - £150 plus travel

Do I have to bring any equipment with me?

If you already have a yoga mat, bring that with you. There will be yoga mats, blocks and belts at the class if you don't have your own.
Also, bring water and an optional blanket. A blanket isn't necessary but can help to make you more comfortable during meditation.

What do I wear?

If you have yoga clothes then great – wear them. If not, don’t worry. Wear some loose fitting clothes - for example, leggings, shorts or tracksuit trousers, with a T-shirt or vest top.

What do I do if I have injuries that may stop me doing postures during the class?

Always advise the instructor of any injuries before the class. The best thing to do is rest in Child's Pose until you feel you are able to join in with the postures again. No one will judge you for taking a break. We all need one now and again!

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New teen class starting on

10 February 2021


Email or use the contact form below for more details.

Classes will cover:

  • What stress is, how it affects the body, and how to deal with it through yoga and breathing exercises. 

  • Introduction to mindfulness and breathing exercises.

  • How to improve your sleep. 

  • How to improve self-confidence. 

  • How to stay grounded and strong in uncertainty. 

  • Desk yoga and yoga for exams. 

  • How to work on your energy centres.

  • How to improve concentration and focus.

Chet is DBS certified, has trained in safeguarding and has a current first aid certificate. 

She works with the Teen Yoga Foundation to provide yoga in schools, colleges and university. For more information, please visit the contact page. Thanks. 

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